Yoshiwara Higanbana is a debut R18 otome visual novel from MariaCrown. This story follows the main protagonist Rin (or her alias 'Chihaya')who is working as the top ranking oiran (courtesan) in Oukaya set in Yoshiwara during the Edo period. Harukoi Otome is one of the only VNs to make me legitimately angry, and probably the only VN to do so on accident. It has promise, and it has some good points, but that is simply drowned out by all the missteps and dropped potential. Which is a shame, because I actually liked a lot of the heroines.
Otome R18 English
Otome R18 English Dub
This game was and is amazing. The romance, drama, character development, and sex scenes are all good. My favorite route was Riru's. The drama in her route was not forced, it was instead natural. After completing the game I found myself sad there was not a fandisk because some of the routes needed a continuation because of how awesome they are. Riru for example, her route is to me really romantic when she gets in a relationship with the protag. The dialogue with her is great as well as her H scenes. I wanted her to get a continuation to her route the most because they were going to get married after they finish school and become independent but sadly the epilogue did not have them get married but only because they were still in school. Her ending was good too as well as the other heroines as well but not all may please you but in my case Riru's route is the best and just unbelievably romantic and awesome especially since she had no interest in males until she got to know the protag. It did take her time to realize that she loves him and when she does find out her true feelings she is in denial, refusing to believe her true feelings, tries to falsify it, and chooses to ignore it for some time. In the end she stops doing all of that, stops being a tsundere avoiding her true feelings, and confesses her true feelings and love for the protag. This vn will give you a mix range of emotions but it is well worth it. Buy this if you are looking for a vn with a good story and romance.